Sewage treatment plants
We offer sewage treatment plants in a range from 4 to 600 of inhabitants ‘equivalent, for cottages, houses, recreational facilities, hotels, etc..Sewage treatment plant
For cottages
Mechanical-biological treatment of waste water - bottled, all-plastic, the type of BIO-S is a device for purifying waste water generated from small sources of pollution that can not be for its location, or otherwise connected to the central sewage treatment plant. -
For family houses
Biological sewage treatment plants with rotary "biokontaktorem" packed, all-plastic. Equipment for cleaning waste water from objects that can not be for its location, or any other reason connected to the existing sewer system, or the system is not built.
For recreational facilities
Biological sewage treatment with rotary "biokontaktorem" packed, all-plastic, type DCB 5 (hereafter DCB 5) is a device for purifying waste water from objects that do not go to their location or other reasons to connect to the existing sewer system and this is not built. -
For hotels
WTP series "EKOL" is a device used to mechanical-biological cleaning of sewage from objects that can not connect to its location on the existing sewer system and purified or this is not built. Existing types of WWTP EKOL - 1; EKOL - 2.5; EKOL - 4; EKOL - 6; EKOL - 9, 12 and EKOL EKOL - 15 are designed for hydraulic load of 1 - 2.5 - 4-6 - 9 - 12 - 15 m3 / day of wastewater, ie 8, 15, 25, 40, 60, 80, 100 population equivalent (0.4 - 1.3 to 1.6 - 2,4 - 3.4 to 5.2 - 6 , 2 kg BSK5/day), when considered fabric load BOD5 400 mg per 1 liter, and the feed inlet 150 l / person / day.